Litelok Stops another bike thief in Berlin

Litelok Stops another bike thief in Berlin

Berlin is a city that is frequently praised for its cycle friendly structure, with bikes making up an estimated 13% of the city’s total traffic. Unfortunately with so many cyclists, Berlin is rife with bike crime. Fortunately for Berlin resident Franziska, she has a Litelok, which means when a thief tried to steal her bike, they left empty handed. 

Litelok Attempted cut

Franziska got in touch with us through Instagram to let us know that she was a target of bike theft, but her Litelok managed to withstand the thief’s onslaught and she still has her bike. The bike was locked in the secure backyard of her apartment complex in Berlin-Friedrichshain, and left unattended for three days. Franziska had a bike previously stolen 2 years prior, so she decided to upgrade her security and purchased two Litelok Gold locks to stop it from happening again. 

It is unclear how long the thieves attempted to cut the Litelok for because it was unattended for a number of days, but from the provided images it looks like they used some sort of side cutter. You can see the Boaflexicore strap has been squashed, resulting in some damage, but not enough to break the lock. Boaflexicore is designed to withstand attacks from common bike theft tools by shifting itself so more material is placed in front of the cut, making it incredibly difficult to get through. The thieves tried to cut the first Litelok several times before giving up. The second Litelok remained undamaged. 

Litelok Gold failed cut

We asked Franziska what made her choose a Litelok, and she said:

When I bought my new bike, my partner recommended Litelok Gold locks to me because he had only heard good things from friends. I can confirm this.”

It is always great to hear that Litelok has gotten the better of bike thieves, so if you have a story then we’d love to hear it. Get in touch with us and help show that Liteloks are light, flexible and secure.

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